Nformation systems and practice management software are supported. The four-layer architecture of the platform enables users securely share sensitive information. Using different devices such as smartphones, computers, users can access functionalities of applications supported by the core of the platform through the communication layer. In e-health systems, security is an imperative requirement because those systems handle very sensitive data like medical and personal data. The platform acquires features enabling: ?Authentication: methods and mechanisms which allow an entity to prove its identity to a remote end. ?Authorization: access control mechanisms and the ability of an entity to access shared resources. ?Data integrity: mechanisms which ensure that when there is an interchange of data between two peer entities, the received data and the original ones are the same, and that no intermediate alteration has occurred. ?Data confidentiality: it assures that stored or transmitted data are well protected from possible disclosure. A means used to achieve data confidentiality is through cryptographic mechanisms. ?Privacy: which can be defined as an entity’s ability to control how, when, and to what extent personal information about the entity will be communicated to third parties. ?Secure data communication and storage. ?Data availability: data can be accessed by authorized users irrespective of time and location.J. Pers. Med. 2014, 4 Figure 3. Architecture of the Mobil Diab Platform.Our proposed architecture addresses authentication and authorization issues, since each user is classified to a category that defines what he/she has access to. Moreover, data confidentiality is achieved through cryptographic mechanisms. Medical data and personal data are encoded and stored in separate data bases. All data are encrypted using the symmetric encryption method AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). For protecting user privacy, an implemented mechanism allows different categories of users to have different authorization levels to access protected data. Each category accesses and sees only data authorized to it through the web or mobile application. This is enabled through the integration of the authorization control mechanism in the user-hierarchy model of the system. The platform is composed of several modules, each one supporting its group of tasks. The integration sub-layer is responsible for formatting data in a needed standard. This extends the interoperability capability with other third-party systems. Some of the supported standards include HL7, CDA, WSDL and XML. This platform was also presented in [34]. 2.5. Ethical Approval for the Study An ethical approval was applied to the ethics commission of the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald, Faculty of Medicine, ML240 site Greifswald in BQ-123 dose Germany with the title of the study being: power analysis for the use of the diabetes management system Mobil Diab. The application was approved at the meeting of the Ethics Committee on the 27 July 2010 and a positive vote without further requirements was realized under the Reg.No. BB 86/10 issued by the Chairman of that Ethics Committee.J. Pers. Med. 2014, 4 2.6. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria for Subject Enrollment/RandomizationA pilot, randomized controlled trial was conducted to evaluate the impact of the Mobil Diab system in the treatment process of diabetes patients. Children and teens aged between 8 and 18 years, diagnosed with type-1 diabetes mellitus with di.Nformation systems and practice management software are supported. The four-layer architecture of the platform enables users securely share sensitive information. Using different devices such as smartphones, computers, users can access functionalities of applications supported by the core of the platform through the communication layer. In e-health systems, security is an imperative requirement because those systems handle very sensitive data like medical and personal data. The platform acquires features enabling: ?Authentication: methods and mechanisms which allow an entity to prove its identity to a remote end. ?Authorization: access control mechanisms and the ability of an entity to access shared resources. ?Data integrity: mechanisms which ensure that when there is an interchange of data between two peer entities, the received data and the original ones are the same, and that no intermediate alteration has occurred. ?Data confidentiality: it assures that stored or transmitted data are well protected from possible disclosure. A means used to achieve data confidentiality is through cryptographic mechanisms. ?Privacy: which can be defined as an entity’s ability to control how, when, and to what extent personal information about the entity will be communicated to third parties. ?Secure data communication and storage. ?Data availability: data can be accessed by authorized users irrespective of time and location.J. Pers. Med. 2014, 4 Figure 3. Architecture of the Mobil Diab Platform.Our proposed architecture addresses authentication and authorization issues, since each user is classified to a category that defines what he/she has access to. Moreover, data confidentiality is achieved through cryptographic mechanisms. Medical data and personal data are encoded and stored in separate data bases. All data are encrypted using the symmetric encryption method AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). For protecting user privacy, an implemented mechanism allows different categories of users to have different authorization levels to access protected data. Each category accesses and sees only data authorized to it through the web or mobile application. This is enabled through the integration of the authorization control mechanism in the user-hierarchy model of the system. The platform is composed of several modules, each one supporting its group of tasks. The integration sub-layer is responsible for formatting data in a needed standard. This extends the interoperability capability with other third-party systems. Some of the supported standards include HL7, CDA, WSDL and XML. This platform was also presented in [34]. 2.5. Ethical Approval for the Study An ethical approval was applied to the ethics commission of the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald, Faculty of Medicine, Greifswald in Germany with the title of the study being: power analysis for the use of the diabetes management system Mobil Diab. The application was approved at the meeting of the Ethics Committee on the 27 July 2010 and a positive vote without further requirements was realized under the Reg.No. BB 86/10 issued by the Chairman of that Ethics Committee.J. Pers. Med. 2014, 4 2.6. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria for Subject Enrollment/RandomizationA pilot, randomized controlled trial was conducted to evaluate the impact of the Mobil Diab system in the treatment process of diabetes patients. Children and teens aged between 8 and 18 years, diagnosed with type-1 diabetes mellitus with di.